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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Senseless Rules

I have just been informed that i can not listen to the radio after work hours. Even though only a handful of people are here, I can not put on the radio. Okay...whatever. I will do what I need to do to stay employed no matter how totally illogical and petty it might be! It's their rules. If they say I can't wear purple to work, then, by golly, I guess I won't be wearing purple. Never mind the fact there are more important things to dwell on. I'm a reasonable person...especially when faced with the realization I have no other choice.


Chris said...

When someone ends up going around enforcing sensless rules like that, that's when you know that there's too many "managers" without enough work to do! :) I ended up getting one of those little iPod shuffles...of course now people have to come up and touch me to get my attention which can be freaky sometimes!

BonnyT said...

I'm happy to here that my work wasn't the only place with stupid rules.

I was once told that I had too much fun at work and to stop it. I guess they preferred thier employees to walk around miserable like they has sticks jammed up their ass or something instead...

dot said...

That sucks that you can't listen to music after hours, Eva.

Phil said...

That would drive me crazy. Just about everyone at work uses i-tunes. We can listen to each others music over the network.


Well, here is their compromise...I can listen to a headset after hours. I guess I csn live with that. Chris, I think you are right...too many managers who graduated from Our Lady of Overthinking. Oh Bonny it used to be it's work. Oh well.


Chris...where's your blog?