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Thursday, August 11, 2005

Just an observation...

If there is one thing I am sure of, without a doubt, it is my sexual orientation. That being said, I wish to relay a observation.

Yesterday one of the ladies I work with got a visit from her daughter and her grandkids. The daughter has three kids, one is 3 years old, the other is not two yet and the youngest is 4 weeks. The mother (not the one I work with but the daughter) is a woman of substantial substance. She was wearing a low cut shirt over her ample bossom. Now I have no particular attraction to anyone's bossem but I couldn't help but an accident scene. These things were huge! I'm sure lactating has helped this endevour but I can't even understand how she can stand erect. I didn't get a clear look, not that I wanted one, but I could only imagine they would be like soggy pumperknickle bread loaves with nipples on them. They hung down to her waist. The girl is no more than 25 years old but gravity is not being kind to her even now. I just couldn't believe they could be so big!

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