The Move....

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Saturday, August 13, 2005

I am so bad..

Phil is mad at me. I gave away our guest bed. It's a queen and I would love to keep it but I really want to use that room for more than the once a year guest we get and a place to store all fifty zillion TV Guides Phil has collected since Bill Clinton was President.

To be truthful, I had "donation remorse" too. A girl at work said her friend, a single woman, mother of four, was in need of a bed. I've been wanting to get rid of the bed for a while and buy a daybed for the guest room for some time now. I caustionly put my plan into motion when I saw a daybed for sale at an area antiques shop on Broadway. Phil turned a deaf ear to my plan but for some reason I was compelled to move forward with it. Part of me didn't want to "give" it away but then I thought it was against the law to sell mattresses and the next thing I knew I was making a sign for the billetin board in the lunch room. I didn't even put the sign up. Three girls in my department all spoke up for it. They verbally duked it out and decided to give it the person who needed it the most. The winner being the single mom of four. Phil was none to happy when I told him the news.

This morning I went to the antique store to buy the bed...yeah! My was gone. So the guest bed is now in the pickup bed of Regina's husband's truck on route to a worthy destination, no doubt and my plan has staled.

My new mission is to find a cheap day bed somewhere. Oh, and try to get Phil out of his begruntly charitible funk.


BonnyT said...

It was great of you to give it away...

I'd say more about your generosity, but my vision is jaded by the constant picture in my mind of TV Guides piled up to the ceiling...

Why the hell is he keeping them!?!?


Oh...I shouldn't get started on this..but since you asked. My husband video tapes everything on TV..well almost everything. I'm not talking just movies off HBO..I'm talking "Charmed," "King of Queens." He used to tape "Who's the Boss?" and I'd say, "Who cares!". We have five TVs w/ VCRs. During sweeps all VCRs are going. He needs the TV Guides so he can refer back to what is on his tapes. I should stop now. Maybe I'll blog about this soon. Cause there's more.

Playground In My Mind said...

Having lived life as a single mother, I know how heartfelt the gratitude will be for the bed. And to find a free one at that?! Well to be frank, you are probably being hailed as an angel. Giving is good. The pain after you give something away is actually your heart making room for itself as it grows:) Renee

Phil said...

We always try to give stuff away, it's amazing how much we seem to give away, more stuff grows in our house. It's great you were able to give it to someone who really needs it.
-do you really have 5 TVs?


Renee, that was so sweet of you to say that. Now I really feel good about it.

Phil...sad but true. 1 in guest bedroom, 1 in our bedroom, big one in livingroom, 1 in computer room (which really is the master bed), 1 in kitchen. All with VCRs. :)

dot said...

It's good someone who needs the bed has it now.

I love the new look of your blog, Eva. I haven't been here in a while. =(


Thanks Paula...I find myself tinkering with in a lot. I'm glad you're back too.