The Move....

I have decided to continue by blog at a new location. Please adjust your bookmarks. The new location is:

Saturday, May 03, 2008

And so it goes..

Only one more test and one more memo to write and I am a graduated college professional! Wow! 29 years in the making.

I am not going to the ceremony on Saturday or having a party. Maybe Phil and I will go out and do something fun give blood. We tried to give today. Phil was successful. I had had an steriod epidural 10 days ago. You need to wait 14 before donating though. Just an FYI.

Something will come up...something fun...also our 21st anniversary is this month too. Please send money.


All Is Whole said...

MOney sent to your account :)


Yes, please. And Pacifier Returns hasn't returned to his blog in quite a while. Get on it.