The Move....

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

10 Day Lab work Update!

Yesterday I went to CS for lab work. My numbers look good! They did give me some fluids because I was down a quart or two. (Dehydration) All the side effects are just the way it goes. My best description is this..I'm Superman and everywhere around me resides low to mid-levels of kryptonite. Seriously. It's like when you visit someone in the hospital....all your energies just get depleted when you walk those sterile halls and smell those antiseptic odors of illness. (Yeah, in case you were wondering, I'm taking an on-line creative writing class...LOL)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Eva -- Congratulations on your oil change, not to mention your good lab results. We all want to help you through this, and humor is the best way I know.