The Move....

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

You know what I really miss?

Here goes....cancer is going to liberate me. It's going to set me free to say what I feel. We all know the cliche' about the longitude of life, so let'er rip.

More than almost anything, I miss being a part of something BIG. Something really big, where everyone had a hand in it; everyone had their mission, their duty and it was going to all come together in one big grand finale and everyone would cheer and do high fives and say, "Great Job!" God it's been so long since I've been a part of that.

I think the last time was probably 1996 when I worked at Jaeckle Fleischmann & Mugel. It's a large law firm in downtown Buffalo. I was the librarian. The library was fairly big; took up space on two floors. This was the year they decided to remodel and re-carpet. There was an empty floor in the building and I was given the space to create a make-shift library during the construction. I put in 70 hours those weeks and I loved it! I had to recreate the libraries so the attorneys could find what they needed quickly using movable book shelves. It was a huge endeavour and I nailed it. My team really came together. It was the best feeling. This is what I miss! I'm trying to think of another time I felt that kind of success.

1 comment:

nb said...

How about when you created a fabulous website and then also a logo for your regional organization? You'll always be a big part of ALLUNY, no matter how far from Western New York you fly :). Sending lots of ALLUNY hugs to you.