The Move....

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Sunday, May 01, 2011

Finally I can post..

I have been so doggone tired to even sit at my desk to write an update. This past week has been a rough one. I managed to get to work on Monday and put in almost 7 hours before I had to leave for my shot at Cancer Specialist of OK. It was a struggle.

Tuesday was even worse but I hit 6 hours at work which was my goal, I was so blasted tired. After I got home on both days I took a relaxing pill and slept for several hours only to get up to do a few things and go right back to bed. It's insane how this just wipes you out.

On Wednesday, I met with Liz and Andrea at work and told them I just can't do this. They both agreed that I looked liked I had gotten run over by a bus...okay, they didn't actually say that but it was written all over their compassionate faces. So I'm on medical leave until probably after my surgery which is supposed to happen in August (barring any problems)

On Thursday I slept all day and forced myself to take a bath and get to CCoO for my shot. Once I did, I was back to bed. On Friday, I was so dang tired but I managed to get to CSoO but I had a fever of 101, not huge but this is a big deal for someone on chemo. I had to do blood cultures again via my port that at first didn't want to cooperate but finally it did. Then they had take more blood from my arm and Dr Toma's nurse, Vickie (bless her heart) called me in another round of $42 antibiotics. I don't think I was taking this as serious until Miss Vickie said, "what we're trying to do is keep you out of the hospital." I got even weaker just hearing that. There really was no way I was going to be able to drive home...not unless I had absolutely had no choice. So I called my best friend in the whole world Jo Jo to come get me and take me home. She didn't even bat an eye. Okay, I couldn't see if she batted a lid or not (our phones aren't that techno....heck, she doesn't even text) but she was at CsoO in 10 minutes. She insisted on driving her car even though I warned her that the possibility of unplanned vomiting was always there. She gave me a Walmart Shopping bag to have at the ready. She brought me home, then brought Phil over to get my car. Thanks Jo Jo, you're the bestess

I'm going to post more about being off work and what chemo does to your appetite later. Right now, I'm going to lay down again.

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