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Friday, April 22, 2011

2ND Chemo session down - BIG UPDATE

Before the update, let me take this time to thank all my friends for their wonderful support. I can not believe how great everyone is being, rooting for me and sending me their positive vibs. Seriously, you all rock! In this picture, please see the wonderful Healing Angel Tile my sweet friend Gemma from NY sent me. You might not be able to read it so here is what it says:

Healing Angel

The mission of
this Angel's watch
Is hope we'll find a cure;
For all the ills
that face our lives,
Through faith
we will endure.

Also in the picture is this cool box that my boss Andrea filled with organic lollipops, gumballs, tummy tea, a gift card for Chilis and also shown a journal. Thank you Gemma and Andrea....that was so sweet!

The Update
As you may recall my white blood cell count was up to 33 last week. Well, as time goes by, that drops...a lot. Fortunately it only dropped to 10.3 so I was still on the high side of normal so my chemo did, indeed, happen.

Before that, I met with Dr Toma. She says, based on her observation (no diagnostic measures) that the tumor has shrunk! Good news! I hesitate to get too excited because this is just an observation based on her memory of three weeks ago and given the number of boobs walking through her door each's hard for me to believe I really stand out of the crowd that much. On the other hand, she did tell me today that this is the biggest tumor she has seen since 1994. Seriously! So maybe I do stand out! After she told me that, I wanted so much to ask the outcome of that woman but I was too afraid of her answer, so I didn't.

Now for the plan: I thought I only had four chemo treatments. I was wrong. I will be having a total of 6. This will bring me to July. I will probably have surgery in August and three/four weeks later I will have DAILY radiation for six weeks! Sounds like a pretty rough row to hoe but we're in this to cure it, not just make it feel comfortable.

So far, I feel okay right now. I had a friggin headache all day but it's finally gone. My stomach is doing okay so far but that has a tendency to change fast. This weekend I will be taking it easy. I am so hoping to feel okay for work on Monday but time will tell.

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