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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Family Medical Leave

First, let's start with a disclaimer: I'm not complaining here I'm merely pointing out an oddity about the FMLA rule, okay? I know the government put this act into place to protect me but I find it odd that a good employer who qualifies for the act will ask an employee to sign the papers. A good employer will actually say, "here's the FMLA forms to protect you from us." Please tell me if that seems a little ... off?

The forms will protect a worker from being dismissed if the employee needs to take time off to care for an ill family member or has a baby or has a serious illness themselves. It's a great law but I can't help but wonder when the other shoe will drop. It equals to "sign this form and I won't hit you in the head." When the logical thing to do is just not hit me in the head. I guess I've just been spoiled with good employers all my life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Unfortunately there are always people that abuse FMLA. We had a clm examiner who ran out of PTO an used her FMLa to take her sick mother to Hawaii.