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Saturday, April 02, 2011

I've been "Portificated"

Port is in. Grrrr....not the most comfortable thing but I'm sure it will feel better once it heals more. It's just a matter of time. At the hospital every nurse asked me my name, date of birth and why I was in the hospital. After the sixth time I told Maurice (Or was in Clarence?) asked me, what is Dr Hemrick doing for you today? I replied, "I'm getting a hysterectomy." Maurice or Clarence looked a little shocked until I said, "April Fools!" Bhahahaaa.... So port is in and my chemo is set for Monday afternoon. I'm getting the mega dose....Red Devil Chemo. I had to pick up my anti-nausea meds today from CVS. There are five of them, one of which is a suppository...good grief! day at a time here. Stay tuned.


nb said...

Oh, Eva -- you are too funny, making an April Fool! Hope your good happy attitude helps you to a very very speedy recovery <3. --Nancy

Unknown said...

Eva and the Red devil - can not wait for the humor in this! I'm sure everyday will be April Fools with you around!