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Saturday, April 16, 2011

White Blood Cells make a rebound

As I posted a few days ago, my white blood cells had dropped to .7 which basically meant my immune system didn't exist. As I reported yesterday on Facebook, my WBC are up! Thanks to those shots I was getting I now have a surplus. The normal high is 10.8...mine is 33.3! three times what I need. This is good news because it means my chemo set for 4/22 should happen. I'm dreading it but I know it has to happen so it's all good. The thing about having a surplus though is that, like having too little, your bones ache. I just keep reminding myself this is a good ache. I did manage to go into work for a couple hours yesterday but by the time I left, I was absolutely exhausted. Getting my sorry butt over to CS was all the energy I could muster. And to top it off my port didn't want to cooperate. Glella, the RN really had to work it to get it to draw but by golly she finally did. Of course the good news about the WBC count made it all worth it. I do not have to go back to CS until 4/22 when I do lab, see Dr Toma and get my next chemo treatment. Today I had to see a Digestive Disease specialist. I have all kinds of fun stuff in store for myself this coming week....things I don't care to go into detail but it has to do with Marilax....Yikes....but it's got to be done and I'd rather do it before chemo than after.

1 comment:

nb said...

Woo hoo! So glad to hear about the abundance of WBC, although so sorry to hear about the aching :(. But just think: the sooner you start treatment, the sooner you finish :). Hooray! Sending you lots of love & virtual hugs for staying strong & feeling better <3