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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Here's an oldie but a goodie...

I told this joke at CS today. It's such a old one...I think I was telling it when I had surgery in 1979 so I was surprised the nurses there hadn't heard it.

"What does it mean when a nurse has a rectal thermometer behind her ear?"

"Some asshole has her pen..."bhahahahahahahaha.

I oldie but a goodie for sure.

Today I had plans to push myself and go into work for a couple hours then go to CS for my shot. I was concerned I might have a fever still so I decided to go to CS first and get my shot and have my temp taken. Well, my temp was normal but I'm so dehydrated from....yeah, guess what, you can fill in the blank there....that I had to have 90 minutes of fluids pumped through me via my port. Needless to say, I never made it to work.

I'm really hoping to go in tomorrow though at least for a few hours before I get my shot and more lab work. I'd like to see where my white cell numbers are now. Plus I think my blood cultures should be ready to tell me what's going on with why my count is so low despite the shots. I think I'm understanding this all correctly. Guess we'll see.

1 comment:

bubba said...

Sick joke alert! Your joke reminded me of this. What is the difference between a rectal thermometer and a regular one? the taste.

I hope you feel better soon.