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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Man time flies when your white blood cells go into the tank..

From what I understand, a normal healthy person's white cell count should be between 4.8 and 10.8 whatever units they use to measure this. We knew chemo would wreak havoc on mine so the doctor had me get daily shots of a drug designed especially for this keep them elevated during chemo. 7 days after chemo and 5 shots later, my number is at .7...yeah...point 7....not even a whole unit! This is not a good thing. The doctor has given me a very strong antibotic that I think is really working. When I was at the CS yesterday, my temp was 102. today it was 99. I don't have the chills either so I do think we're going in the right direction. I'm just going to have to continue with those shots for a few more days. The big plan is to get the white cells back up before the 22nd because they won't do chemo unless they are and holding up this process is NOT in my best interest.

1 comment:

nb said...

Sending lots & lots of positive blood cell energy! Cheers for you, Eva, and virtual hugs, too.