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Tuesday, April 05, 2011

It was a singing port-a-gram!

I misquoted on my last post. I didn't have a "port scan" it was a "Port-a-gram!" And I'm happy to say, my port was singing! Yep, nothing wrong with that baby. It just didn't want to function yesterday but it's full steam a head. I got my shot for my White Blood count. Apparently, Dr Toma really thinks I need it even though my levels are good at the start. But these three chemo drugs can wreck a little havoc on white blood it's a good thing we're doing it. Now saying that from a health standpoint is one thing but from a financial stand so much. My 20/80 portion of the bill for each treatment is a grand! Yep. It's $5000 a pop! I mean, thank God for insurance. I'm so fortunate to have insurance even if this is taking a huge chunk out of my savings. But still....that's a bitter pill to swallow. That's Green Devil! :) But it's all good! Not complaining, really!

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