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Thursday, April 07, 2011

The truth is....

I've been getting a lot of messages from people who are basically impressed at my positive attitude and good humor during this whole ordeal. The truth is....I really didn't think I had a choice. Honestly. I'm so afraid to turn people away ...for them to start avoiding me, "oh, no there's Eva...I don't want to get into a big long discussion on how her chemo is going." So I feign a lot. Not everything, but a lot.

It's like I'm in my first trimester....everyone is so interested to see how it's going, how I'm feeling but eventually, it'll start to get old and boring to hear how sick I'm getting or how much weight I've gained (or lost) and what the doctor says is going to happen. Of course, with a pregnancy, the outcome is usually positive. Well, the outcome here will be positive too but not something I can take and nurture for 18 years and then send off to college.

The truth is, after only one chemo treatment, I am already exhausted. My joints ache like crazy and if napping were allowed at work, I'd be the poster child for taking good healthy breaks. I will say, I'm not feeling sick much. A few times I did but nothing so bad. Modern science seems to have controlled that part pretty good. My biggest complaint is my joint pain. Between the shots I take and one of the chemos, this is normal and should subside after a few days of each treatment. I learned that today and that was music to my ears.

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