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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Informing - Bra Eating

Not that I'm complaining....okay, I am but I'm sick of complaining because nobody likes to listen (or read) about the woes of someone who is constantly complaining over and over again about something the listener (reader) can't control. So let's not call it complaining; let's call it "informing."
For those who are healthy, okay everyone has some kind of medical issue, but for those who don't have cancer or those who are not going through chemotherapy here is my first hand description of what chemo does to your eating habits.

When you're not going through chemo you have food cravings. You're at work, it's getting close to lunch time and your brain says, "hmm...what do I feel like eating....hamburger, taco, sounds good, think I'll go over to Applebees and get a nice salad...sounds great..can't wait." Well, when you're on Chemo, you have NO cravings, none! But you're starving. You have no idea what to eat. So you go to your refrigerator and pull out stuff but nothing appeals to you so you have to try something. And you find out you don't like much of anything. You have a few bites of different things but nothing tastes good. The few bites you eat though fill you up and you go back to doing what you're doing. Fifteen minutes later, you're starving again. You already know what you didn't care for so what do you do? You try to make something but you end up wasting food because by the time you're done whipping it up, you find out it's not so eat some anyway because you got to eat something. Food runs your life! Who knew?

When I first found out I had cancer I lost my appetite...didn't get hungry. I think that was better.

I saw on Good Morning America a segment where people have crazy obsessions. One lady had to sleep with her blow dryer (turned on), another eats paper and another eats her bra. Apparently she has to tear her bra open and eat the padding. Sounds pretty bizzard but well, I won't be needing mine in a couple months and it would solve the hunger problem. (Oh, come on, I'm kidding...I know that sounds morbidly sad but it does appear practical, no?) Bahahaahaha.
Remember...just informing.


hocahe said...

Eva, that sounds so horrible; I am so sorry you are going through this. It must be just awful to have nothing that tempts you to eat, nothing that sounds tasty and delicious. And yet to feel so hungry - that's terrible! Does it last for a few days? Or is it all through the chemo process? I hope that soon you have an appetite back and that milkshakes and roast chicken and baked sweet potatoes and a nice Greek salad all start sounding - AND tasting - good to you!


Thanks's all going to be fine...just two more treatments. Praise the Lord. I appreciate your sympathy but I know it's only temporary. Of course then, I'll probaby have something else to "inform" you about. :)