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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Thoughts for a Sunday Afternoon

Just thinking out loud here.

Upon first glance what makes a woman a woman or a man a man? I mean, remember the Pat skits from Saturday Night Live where the main character was devoid of any indicators of what sex he/she was? Back in the 50s you could tell the difference easily...woman wore dresses, had long hair and were not very muscular. But now...woman don't always where dresses, men often have long hair and woman often have short, both woman and men can be muscular. So really the only indicator is that a woman has breasts and in this society, generally speaking, she often shows them off. Yes, men have breasts but barring man-boobs they're not as pronounced.

I envision scenarios in my head where I have no breasts and quite frankly in these scenarios I don't care. I'm happy to wear just a t-shirt like I did when I was 9. What freedom that will be to NOT wear a bra! I can imagine going to work without the curves expected of a woman. Oh people will talk, that's normal but really I won't care because I'll be a live!

I envision being called into HR; being told my lack of breasts has caused a distraction. Can you imagine? But the won't even know when I'm cold! Bahahahaha. (Gosh I'm too funny)

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