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Thursday, June 02, 2011

Another update

Good News: Dr Toma, The Boob Whisperer, says the tumor is definitely shrinking and she believes that by the time surgery rolls around, it will be just fibrous material. Also my White Blood Count is good...10.3..that's the high side of normal.

Chemo went well. There were issues with my port wouldn't draw at first so I had to get lab done via my arm. When I went back for Chemo, the nurses finally got it working. Dr Toma switched out my anti-nausea medicine because it was making me, well dizzy and nauseous; also we did the Red Devil last. For some reason my Restless Leg Syndrome kicked in and it was hard to stay still so they gave me some kind of drug that relaxes you. It did a good job: took a nice nap too.

Other News: It looks like my surgery will be in the first or second week of August. I won't look like a chicken afterward. Yeah, I actually asked her that. I said, when I eat a chicken breast all that is left is the bone. She said it will be just flat. I seriously doubt I'll do reconstruction this year. Most breast surgeons don't work on radiated tissue. This is because non-radiated tissue can be stretched using expanders that are ballooned up over a period of time and then replaced by implants. Radiated tissue will fall apart if this is tried so pieces of stomach fat (which I have some to spare) have to be used and basically transplanted to the breast area. It's something to really think about. Maybe in December. I'll need to see what the down time is.

In the "I've been Blessed Department": I've gotten some great cards and emails from co-workers and relatives. The IT guys at HPI, especially Nathan and Mike have been super supportive. Thank you guys so much! I'm working on a special masterpiece for them which once they see it, I will share on this blog. Also Phil's cousin, Lois Hayes, back in Western NY, sent me a wonderful card filled with a ton of support and love. She even asked me to hug Becca. (Becca writes an annual holiday newsletter and Lois really gets a kick out of it.) She also made my Nook app on my IPad happy with a gift card from Barnes and Noble. Thank you so much Lois!

So right now, I'm on top of the world. Tomorrow I get my shot and then Saturday and Sunday, well, let's hope for the best!

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