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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

No Bra Eating Necessary!

Aw...I got the nicest, most caring friends! I swear I am so blessed. I guess threatening to eat your bra is a call for action for my dear friend Maggie in Western NY. Here's the Edible Arrangement she send me yesterday. Aw man....such great fruit. I tell you, I have lots of it too. There's watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, chocolate covered bananas,'s a fruit orgy. Thank you so much Maggie. Yes, it does help. I can eat this!!!!!

I also got an Easy Button from Arlene from Sweetwater, TX. It's so funny. After I eat something I'm not so crazy about I hit it and it says, "Now that was easy." I'm talking myself into it. I ask Phil do do something and he gets all aspirated because he wants to do something else but he does it and then I hit the button. He loves that. hehe. Thank you so much Arlene for thinking of me! (Phil thanks you too!)

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