The Move....

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Monday, June 06, 2011

Sorry but this sucks....

Chemo isn't so bad during the process or even the next day but the next few days after man...I've been hit by a bus. My energy level is in the toilet. Speaking of which, on the positive side, I haven't been too ill; not like last time. But my desire to eat is limited to foods that are cold and wet....melon, watermelon however finding some that is sweet is a struggle. Foods and drinks are all fuzzy. I mean it. It's like everything has a fuzzy feel to it. Like eating peaches. Aw, it's so crazy. And my joints....well, it this is how arthritis feels; I'm in trouble. Yeah, I know it can be worse and I know I'm almost done....only two more treatments. Praise the Lord!

1 comment:

sarah said...

Hey Lady . I just wanted to drop by and check on you. It sounds like you are doing alright.