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Friday, July 01, 2011


I have seen some of my friends on Facebook write in their status the word, "Karma." I can only imagine that someone in their life (probably their boss or their ex) had just received some kind of pay back for being a dick to them. I noticed Beyonce' has a song that talks about what goes around comes around but I got to say I don't believe it. I say this because I know for sure I haven't done anything to deserve deserve cancer. I can't even watch America's Funniest Videos because it hurts my sensibilities to watch people get hurt. You know 90 percent of them show someone falling or getting hit in the family jewels and I can't bear to see it.
I posted this on Facebook and one friend, Sarah, said that no one deserves cancer. I have to disagree. I wish illness was bestowed on the evil. What a concept that would be? The eviler you are, the sicker you get and death doesn't become an option for a long long time. If sickness was distributed based on evilness you wouldn't need courts or even jails. Everyone would know who was evil because they'd be sick. Depending on the crime, the evil doer may have a opportunity to redeem themselves and get better but they'd have to stop being evil. It just makes so much sense. Show some remorse and you get a second chance on life. But this depends on the crime and the intent. God would be the judge.

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