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Monday, July 25, 2011

Time for an Update

I just got back from getting lab work done and fluids at Cancer Specialist. I can really tell when I need fluids because for some reason it seems to happen right around the time I'm extra weepy. The nurse there says if I stop crying I might save on fluids. Yeah, I gotta try that. Oh, now don't go feeling bad; I know it could be so much worse. I keep telling myself that. Anyway, here's the scoop....

Despite not getting the taxitere last time, my fingers, toes and lips are still numb. I understand this may not go away for a while. I'm eating a little more now (10 days after) but still I wish I craved stuff...miss my taster. I know some people probably wish they would stop craving food so they could lose weight, but trust me, it sucks.

My double mastectomy surgery is set for August 10th. I'll probably be in the hospital for one night but maybe two, depending on how I feel. It's not going to be much fun but if I can get through chemo, by golly, I can do this. My brother Jim is flying down that week so that's good news.

Well, that's about it. I'm sure I'll be back as I freak out a little more each day about my surgery so stay tuned. :)

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