The Move....

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Oh man I goofed

I woke up at 6 this morning with the realization that I had made an error at work on Friday. It all came clear to me in the quiet morning hours, where the room was just starting to see the first light of day and my eyes flashed open. Crap.

One person was leaving and another had moved. I had gotten info that the subordinate of the moving one was going with the departing one. I emailed the moving one's contact and made reference to moving one leaving...but I knew he wasn't...he had just moved. Crap.

I wish there was a good excuse for my mixing them up....I'm so closely being watched. My mom had told a story about how her sister was carrying an egg (I think..something) on plate and her father kept saying, "You're going to drop it, you're going to drop it" and sure enough, she dropped it. I'm being so closely watched that maybe I was just destine to error. Crap. The good news is, the email is as far as the error went. It's not like I removed the moving guy from our records.

Guess, I'll hear about it on Monday. Oh, joy, can't wait.
But life goes on.

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