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Tuesday, January 15, 2008


There is more than one kind of passion. Of course, the obvious is that sensual one. There's also that passion when you are so excited about something that your voice gets louder, and you talk faster. This, I have determined, is sometimes thought of as arguing. But it's not. I get very passionate about things I know a lot about. This doesn't happen very often but sometimes it does.

I have a student, an 82 year old man named John who I see every three weeks or so to teach him about the Internet and his computer. Sometimes he misses what I'm trying to say and then I get passionate about it and I see his reaction and I know, he thinks I'm yelling at him. I can honestly say, I am not. I am just excited about what ever it is I'm trying to teach him. I usually apologize. He knows now, it's not him. I'm not getting angry with's just me being passionate.

At work, I have little passion because I know so little. I know this. I try to do what is best; what I think is proactive and sometimes it appears that I'm overstepping my duties. But if I know something that I think will be helpful, I will try to do passion finally finding a place.. only to be deflated by those who say "it's not your place" in so many words.

Oh well, life goes on.

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