The Move....

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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I need an Attitude Adjustment

No, doubt! I can't get people to understand that the world does revolve around me. What's wrong with them...all of them? Surely they know the sun rises each day for me, no? I want more than I'm getting. I want people to know where I'm coming from before I have to explain it. I want to be in control. I want to work more. How crazy is this? I want to work but my boss won't let me. Budget issues, she says. OH, then she says I'm being too perfect...spending too much time on my project. She knows it won't ever be perfect but I want to make it as perfect as possible. Surely management can understand that? No? I want a job where I can work till my hearts content. Is that so much to ask for? I want to be in demand, by golly...I'm worth it.

I need to remind myself....the world doesn't work the way I want it to work no matter how illogical that may be.

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