The Move....

I have decided to continue by blog at a new location. Please adjust your bookmarks. The new location is:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

He actually said, "keep me abreast of your condition."

Yeah, that was my chiropractor. The nut. I called to tell me I might not be in for a while and I explained why. He had the usual response, that he was sorry and praying for me like the sweet guy he is but then..."well, keep me abreast."
"Troy, that's a terrible choice of words," I cried out (not the tearful kind, mind you).
"Yeah, as soon as it left my lips I knew it was wrong but I know you with your dry sense of humor, you'd laugh about it," he said, although I could imagine him turning beat red on the other side of the phone.
"Well, I just had to call you on it." I laughed at him.
"Of course you did."

My goal, in between, tabs of Ambient is to find the humor in this. So many of my friends are counting on it and since they are being so super supportive, I can't let them down.

Tomorrow I see the Oncologist. I'm going to ask for a cocktail that include some happy pills. Really why not? I'll worry about Betty Ford later. I want the anti-nauseating, anti-diarrhea, mood elevating cancer tumor reducing formula cocktail. I'll ask for it. Stay tuned.


Unknown said...

Thats the Eva we love! Humor makes the world go around. St lest the chiro didn't say "he had your back!"

Unknown said...

that time I wasn't even typing on my iphone! - I meant At least the chiro didn't say he had you back