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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Waiting on News

This is the time when I should be writing. Yesterday I had a breast biopsy. I don't know the results yet but this is when I should be writing down what I'm feeling about it. I'm hopeful but I'm scared too because the lump is lumps go, very big. I had gone to my OB GYN guy for my annual check up and he pointed it out. At the time I was laying down and it felt like it was up high, like half way between the areola and the collarbone. He didn't seem too concerned. He just said I need to get a mammagram. As the days ticked away I noticed it was getting lower and bigger. I got the mammagram and an ultrasound and immediately scheduled a biopsy for two days later. Now I wait.

It's amazing how the mind will run around like a crazy person. Of course to write them here would be too would be like giving someone or something permission to allow them to be real. So I won't. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I'm the praying type, so I'll be praying for positive results!