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Wednesday, March 02, 2011


Thoughts on infidelity: on last night's Parenthood, Jasmine won't forgive Crosby for cheating on her. She won't even talk to him. The thing that bothers me is that they had a fight prior to all this and she wouldn't talk to him then. She totally shut him out. He tried to talk to her and she wouldn't have it. This went on for a while. Then he was at a party with an attractive woman he knew, albeit his nephew's therapist, but she listened to him; to all he wanted to say to Jasmine but couldn't and one thing lead to another. It wasn't purely physical, granted, there was a connection deeper than just sex but still his heart belongs to Jasmine.

So what does it say about me that I think Jasmine is wrong. Yeah, granted it probably would have been better if he abstained but he didn't, so let's move on. It grates on me when I see people, usually woman, run away from conflict rather than just deal with it. Yeah, I'm not good with confrontation but once it's commenced, I am. This tearful, "I don't want to talk about it..." crap is just too over the top for me. Shutting people out is not the answer. Okay, you can do it for a day or so but repeatedly isn't going to solve the issue so deal with it.

Now if he's sleeping around just for the sake of sleeping around, that's one thing, but if it's the product of avoidance, well, you're on your own.

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