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Sunday, March 20, 2011

I guess This is going to be My "C" Blog

Ugh...I'm in a fog. I did accomplish some things today (okay Saturday) but I am wiped out and what goes through my mind is this just the funk of finding out I have cancer or is this really the cancer. I've been wiped out before I knew I had it and I chalked it up to my medications because many are of the kind that will do that but is it that? So many things run through my head.

I can feel something in my breast and it feels pretty big. I'm just praying that isn't the tumor...that the tumor is in there some where nestle in fibroid material. Gawd...this is insane. Yeah, Dr Williams said it is "contained" but it feels so big to me. I really want it gone.

I'm in a weigh loss club at work. I'm pretty sure when I weigh in on Monday, I'm going to be down a few. Between Friday and Saturday, I've consumed 10 Triskets, a bowl of Rice Chex and 1/2 of a turkey sub. I haven't even had a Code Red! Yeah, I think I might kick that soda habit even. I know, I gotta eat. Food just doesn't appeal to me much. I will.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have such a great capacity for writing! What a great outlet for you toget everything off your chest( pun intended!)looking for many more great incites from you for YEARS to come!!