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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Part of the Plan

I know with all my heart that God has a plan for me...well for everyone. I know this with all my being. I had a bit of a epiphany recently regarding this.

When Phil lost his job in 09, we were worried sick. There was so many unanswered questions on how we'd survive financially. Would the financial success we had had be totally eliminated while Phil tried to find a job. It was a difficult time...well at the time it was the most difficult. I remember telling Phil we had to put it in God's hands....he would help to take the burden from us and we'd be able to focus on figuring it out without the worry that comes with it. Seven months later, our prayers were answered and Phil got a job.

The first six months at his new job was wonderful....just a huge burden was lifted from our shoulders. Phil was so happy to have a job. He was learning a lot and he was going to school too to continue to learn more. But then after a while, it wasn't so wonderful. It was stressful. Phil was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, no doubt brought on by all the stress at work. He wasn't that Phil; that happy guy...he was moody and in a dark place. He dreaded work; dreaded the stresses it involved. I'm not going to go into detail about what was happening at his job but it wasn't pleasant for him and it was difficult for me to see him go though such a dark time. Again I told Phil he had to put it in God's hands and he would carry the burden for him. I'm not so sure Phil really believed that...but I know I did.

Late last year, when things were getting really awful for Phil, the powers that be at his office offered him an opportunity to changed departments. This meant different work, different supervision, different everything. This came, basically clear out of the blue. Of course Phil took the offer. Yes, his new position has stress, of course, but the change in him is amazing. He is a new man. He doesn't hate going to work. He's happier. He's my old Phil again.

I truly believe, with all my heart, that God knew about my cancer and it was his doing to get Phil into a better place so Phil will be there for me without the added stress of a job he hated. God knew Phil was struggling and he made sure he was in a place more conducive to being there for me. I believe this with all my heart.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In this time you need that solace and I'm so glad you believe it with all your heart. This was a wonderful story.