The Move....

I have decided to continue by blog at a new location. Please adjust your bookmarks. The new location is:

Monday, January 31, 2011

This is going to be fun....

I find myself mildly giddy at the prospect of a snow storm. Of course I'm not in an area where enough is enough. This is not salt on a open wound. This is November's first snow fall that just so happens to be about to fall in early February. They say 3/4ths of the nation will be or is getting hit with a winter system of some kind. Oklahoma has been spared a lot this winter. We've been lucky.

A couple weeks ago, the rest of the country was getting clobbered and of course the media showed cars sliding all over the highway, into each other, out of control. This fueled a little panic in us in Ok when we had a bit of ice that lead to some shut downs and slow starts. But this was nothing compared to what, from all accounts, is going to happen tonight and into tomorrow. My office has already said that if the OKC public schools are closed, so are we. This is a first. I am grateful.

Stay tuned.

Friday, January 28, 2011


I love Facebook! My brother hates it but I really love it. I have 285 friends; many are family; some are co-workers; some are former co-workers; some are colleagues who I don't work with at HPI but deal with often through work; some are former classmates and some are people I just meet.

What blows me away are the high school classmates. I wrote about our unofficial reunion we had this past summer that was pretty much thanks to the reach of Facebook. I've really connected with a lot of great people I didn't really know in school. There was a lot of crap in the way back then. So much is stripped away and it's so refreshing to see that, yeah, we really aren't so different from one another after all.

In my daily life at work, I spend a lot of time communicating with insurance plans and I'm happy to develop relationships with these peoples. When you add Facebook into the mix (which I don't do at work, by the way) it even makes the working relationship better. There are people I deal with on a daily basis in the clinics that I've gotten to know a little better with FB, too.

Also, FB has gotten me in touch with a lot of relatives I would never had known about had it not been for FB. I have a third cousin (his great grandfather and my great grandfather were brothers) in Germany who I would never have gotten to know or understand our relationship if not for the flexibility and convenience of FB. Well, I truly don't believe so. I have relatives in California that I had always hoped I'd connect with and I am.

All in all...for me Facebook has been a blast. I know, it's a little time consuming and most people are too busy already but...if there's a will there's a way. I really do believe that.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The line is drawn

It's so easy for things to change. One minute people you love are there and they next they are not. One day, you're 25 and loving life and the next you're 50 wishing you had really realized those really were the best days of your life. Often we think that little things are no biggies; nothing to be concerned with and often they are but sometimes....even those little things can become defining moments.

I've been disappointed many times in my life by people I thought were my friends. I'm still amazed each time by how off guard I often I feel like it was so unexpected. I know, many will say this is just a part of being human, being disappointed but with me, it seems like an epidemic. I think mostly it's because I'm so trusting and forgiving. My mom used to tell me that this was not a good quality to have; not for me. She called them "fair weather friends." But I can't stop being who I am. I forgive, it's what I do.

I know I'm too blame, that I often set myself up. I believe in people. I believe that they know what they are saying and I rely on that. It's like being told that the dress to a party is casual by my friends and showing up in dockers and a sweater only to find my friends wearing black tie and saying, "oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to call you." Like thinking they are my friends but discovering I'm really just an after thought.

Recently the line was drawn in the sand with someone I thought I could count on and I'm just going to have to accept that. It is what it under dressed....again.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Saturday's Blog and more

In addition to my blog from a few days ago regarding buying pre-owned baby clothes for my nephew's baby I have more to contribute. I forgot to mention that I also found a new package of newborn pacifier...unopened .... fresh from the manufacture. Well when I went to check out I discovered they were fresh from the manufacture in sometime before 1995. The sale clerk said he couldn't legally sell me the pacifiers because they contained minute traces of lead. But he could give them to me. I'll have you know that I didn't even think about it for a second...I know a good deal when I hear one, especially a free one but I told the clerk to toss them. Yeah! How great a great-aunt am I? Hm? I'm not as cheap as I make myself out to be.

In other news: Don't you love it when someone at your workplace tells you to do something and you do it only to find out it was wrong but it turns out only you are wrong not the person who told you to do it that way? And of course that person won't own up to it. Grrrrr.... I truly believe that even if I'm right; I'm still wrong. But then I will find out I was, indeed, right but it will never be said ..."Yeah, you were right. We should have listened to you more closely; may be we could have learned something from you if only we had taken the time to listen. You're not as dumb as you look. Good job! We'll do better to get you more involved and get your opinion because you've proven that you can make a contribution." Yeah! (Hey, it's my blog, I can dream.)(And I'm not complaining...not really because I know I am blessed to have a job. Mostly I work with great people but they are people so liable to faults such as myself. So really, it's all good.)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Stereotyping we go. Today, we got in the mail an invitation to Phil's nephew's girlfriend's baby shower. It's being held in NY. We live in OK. It was held today. The mother-to-be wrote, "we know you can't make it but we want you to know the baby will be here on February 9th." This to me translates to, "I know I never met you but please send us a check or a gift card or something."

Yeah, I have no problem sending something..seriously but here's the thing. I hate to stereotype and judge but I'm going to anyway. This is Jeff's first child and her sixth! Yes, her sixth; Jeff is the third father to her brood. She's on food stamps and welfare....big surprise and to top it all off, she lives in a trailer park. Sorry....but are you getting the picture here?

Her only saving grace is that Jeff, whose basically a nice kid, is still a borderline loser...high school drop out who has had more jobs in his 24 years of living than Phil and I have had combined. It's a saving grace because at least she's not involved with him for his money or social status....both of which he has none.

So today I went to the T-store and I have to say, I didn't feel a ton of remorse about buying pre-owned baby boy clothes. If I was going to a shower at work, I would love to do this but I never would for fear of being ostracised for being a cheap SOB. But given this woman's situation, I have no problem with this. I got 17 pieces, tops, bottoms, onezies, etc for $4.54. Come on! Once I get everything washed, Phil and I will, under good strong lighting, check for stains and tears. If it's not perfect, I won't send it but from what I can should be. If it's not, it'll go into the rag pile.

Is it wrong for me to treat this woman differently than a co-worker? Probably. But apparently not enough to stop. And that's how it is for today.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy for the weekend

Aw...yes, the weekend is here. I'm going to learn something. I'm going to create something. I'm going to get excited about something (probably football). And I'm going to clean something. Not necessarily in that order. So there.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Try this..

Go to Google Maps and click on Get Directions.
Write USA as your start point.
Write Japan as your destination.
Go to the 31st point on your route.
Bahaahahahahaha! How funny is that?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Beyond tired...

I can't blog...physically impossible..okay not impossible, thank God but I'm needing to hit the hay. Tomorrow I'll do it though. Stay tuned.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Truth be told...

  • I don't understand British people very well.
  • I don't understand southern people very well either.
  • I don't get why woman insist on wearing low cut shirts if they already have a boyfriend/husband.
  • I think smokers need to be slapped upside the head.
  • I think I need to go to bed.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fears Cont'd

I think we can add one more fear...the fear that the world is going to end soon. Some guy was predicting in May, Jesus would be making his return and the world as we know it would be over. Most people shrug this off as hullabaloo....I'm one of them but recently I'm starting to wonder. With the massive weather destruction going on all over the world; the massive killings by lone gunmen; and now the idea that the zodiac system is changing...I say what the heck? I know, there is all kinds of research that can tear apart my statements...I'm actually counting on it but it's still food for thought.

Friday, January 14, 2011


My blogger friend Jessica recently did a post on her fears and it got me thinking about mine. "Fears!" Is it a Beatles song? Fears are all I have to take your love away? Is that how it goes? I'm pretty sure I'm not remembering it right.

Anyway here are my biggest fears:
  • Being like my mom; hunched over with a bone breakage problem or going blind.
  • That I'll be trapped somewhere, say an elevator, and have to use the rest room. I mean, can you imagine?
  • That people will make their mind up about me without my help. Or it will be totally based on a misunderstanding or they will think I'm serious when I'm not.
  • I really don't fear getting into a car accident but I do fear that if I do, it will be my fault...or it won't be my fault but I'll still get blamed for it.
  • Getting mugged in the WalMart parking lot but being stupid and not handing over my purse but fighting with the perb. I have a lot of pent up anger and I'm really waiting for an opportunity to release it. If someone wants to mug me, I'm afraid I might give them a fight that I will probably lose.
  • Spiders
  • Flying insects (larger than flies)
  • Birds
  • Bats
  • Creepy crawly things
  • I'll accidentally use the wrong spelling of a word on a company email (example - their instead of they're) and the recipient will think I'm illiterate when the reality is, I make that kind of error once in every 1000 emails.
  • Making stupid mistakes at work because I was given inaccurate information.

I think that's about it.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad

Mom & Dad were married 54 years ago today. I hope they're having a nice reception party up in heaven. I think they are. Most of the people who were at the wedding are actually up there with them.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Funny Things my Dad said...

I'm trying to think of something to blog about and decided on this....Funny things my dad has said...

If I wanted to do something and he didn't want me to I could do it "when the fish freeze in the streets of Honolulu."

Once he came out of the rest room and said, "There was a spider on the toilet seat. Boy was he mad...he got pissed off."

Oh...there is more...I got to write them down when I think of them. I'll be back with them. Stay tuned.

Sunday, January 09, 2011


I really did well at the T-store yesterday. I bought four Liz Claiborn tops, two other tops, an Eddy Bauer top and a Karen Scott sweater for less than $8. Everything was machine washable too (although the sweater actually looked better before I washed it despite having put it in a lingerie bag. It seemed to pick up everything it could find in the washer. I spend over an hour with the lint brush and lint shaver on it but it looks pretty good now.) Some of the ladies at work think I should go into business...finding famous label items and selling them for a profit. I'm just not sure I feel comfortable with that though. It's good that others can find them there too without someone like me snatching them all up and reselling them. It's just doesn't see right.

The Christmas stuff is down. It's not up in the attic yet but.....well, baby steps. I haven't brought out the normal pictures and flower arrangements and do-hickies yet either. I need to dust first. We'll get there.

Becca went to the beauty parlor to this weekend. She looks lovely. I'll post a pic next time.

Friday, January 07, 2011


Alrighty...I've blogged for a whole week! Yes. I've also have not had any Coke or Pepsi or Dr there's two resolutions I'm good with. I'm patting myself on the back too. :)

The work week is over. Excluding Monday, it's been a good week. I've been busy and busy is good. I made up the 5 hours I took off on Monday by working late every night. I was glad to do it so the work wouldn't pile up.

I'm too bored with this.

Thursday, January 06, 2011


Okay...some thoughts for a Thursday evening:

I truly believe that co-workers should say "good night" to each other at the end of the day. If "good" is asking too much, than at least "night" will do. This doesn't mean you have to walk around the workplace wishing everyone a good night but you should do this with those with whom you work directly. Even if it means walking a few steps in the opposite direction to get to them. Even if it means raising your voice a little because you're too lazy to walk the few steps in the opposite direction. Yeah, it's the end of the day and most people want to get the heck out of dodge, I get that but this little step shows that you CARES.

Okay, I lied...this is my only thought for tonight. Aw...maybe I'll think of another for tomorrow's blog. We'll see.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011


I'm going to blow my own horn. I've earned; I deserve it and no one is going to deprive me of this. (This is what I said about a nervous breakdown too.)
I created a logo for work. I just did it in Paint and added it to my signature for all my emails coming from my work server. Over the next few months I rec'd emails from others at my office and they were using my logo! I imagine someone stole (not in a negative way) it and someone stole it from them and someone else stole from them. It has made its rounds for sure. I recently discovered one of the clinics using it on their fax cover! I wrote to the lady at that clinic and told her, "I love your fax cover logo." She wrote back...."thanks." Guess she doesn't know where it came from.

So, I announcing it's my creation and I'm proud of it! I'm happy others like it enough to use it as their signature as well. It's a huge compliment!

Tuesday, January 04, 2011


Aw...what a great day it was. I had no headache pain! Aw...can't tell you how great it is! Had a great day at a ton done!

My doctor says I am having migraines. Personally I'm thinking a brain tumor but I'm just a layperson. He's putting me on a drug that is given to people with seizures. Apparently on a lower dose, it helps people with migraines. One of the side effects, though, is confusion but usually at the higher dose. Lord knows I don't need more confusion in my life.

Does anyone else find it weird that Shania Twain married the ex-husband of the woman who was the reason for the break up of her marriage with Mutt Lang?

Why don't people just ignore Lindsay Lohan? Sure her family can pay her some attention; maybe some close friends but the general population really needs to pretend she doesn't exist. She needs a good reality check.

Later Gator....

Monday, January 03, 2011


Aw...hate to complain but today was not good. head was hurting so much; so very much I wanted to slip into a coma. I called the doctor but couldn't get in until tomorrow morning. I'm happy to report, although, that it's gone! The pain as lifted and I am constantly thanking God for that. Really, I thought death would be an upgrade.

I feel so good right now, I should go to work right now. It's almost 8pm so that's not going to happen but I feel good enough to do it. I will be putting in a lot of late hours this week for sure. I say this assuming the pain will NOT return.

By the way, St Louis lost last night. I tell you, I'm the kiss of death. If you want your team to win, pay me to root for the other team. You have a winning season.

So, this constitutes a blog entry for today. Later gator.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Can I do this every day?

Well, I am not going to put so much pressure on myself but I am going to try. I came into our computer room to blog...specifically to blog and yet I naturally got side track with Facebook and reading some email. I was just ready to click on an ad for Hobby Lobby when I deliberately stopped myself and said, 'Hey, wait, you're here to blog." I trivial is that? But that is what's going to happen. I'm just going to write what's in my head. (It's not like I have a real audience anyway :)

My Buffalo Bills are done for the season. Another disappointment. Another shining example of why I hate this time of year. More on that in a minute. I do need some kind of alliance though...something to root for; something to get behind. I guess I can root for St Louis Rams. Sam Bradford is their quarterback. He's from Oklahoma...went to OU. Usually though I am the kiss of death. If I root for a team, 9 out of 10 times, they will lose. Well look at the Bills.. 12 out of 16, we lost....that comes down to 3 out of 4. So my odds are even worst. :( Grrr...

Now the holidays are over; now what? White Sales? Yeah, get real. We are now embarking on the cold blue depths of of the longest months of the calendar. heels are still in December...dragging...about ready to throw a tantrum. "I don't want the holidays to be over!" I feel like whining. But like the excitement of a white sale, I have to get real.

Tomorrow I will go to work and I will love it! I will embrace my day with enthusiasm and chipperness. (Yes, I made that up.) It's a new year...and it's going to be great!

See ya tomorrow.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year!

This is the year I...
  • blog more
  • stop drinking phospheric acid
  • stop being so lazy
  • exercise every day
  • eat better
I'm so glad I treat people well already...don't know if I could fit that in to my plans.