The Move....

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Wednesday, January 05, 2011


I'm going to blow my own horn. I've earned; I deserve it and no one is going to deprive me of this. (This is what I said about a nervous breakdown too.)
I created a logo for work. I just did it in Paint and added it to my signature for all my emails coming from my work server. Over the next few months I rec'd emails from others at my office and they were using my logo! I imagine someone stole (not in a negative way) it and someone stole it from them and someone else stole from them. It has made its rounds for sure. I recently discovered one of the clinics using it on their fax cover! I wrote to the lady at that clinic and told her, "I love your fax cover logo." She wrote back...."thanks." Guess she doesn't know where it came from.

So, I announcing it's my creation and I'm proud of it! I'm happy others like it enough to use it as their signature as well. It's a huge compliment!

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