The Move....

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Saturday's Blog and more

In addition to my blog from a few days ago regarding buying pre-owned baby clothes for my nephew's baby I have more to contribute. I forgot to mention that I also found a new package of newborn pacifier...unopened .... fresh from the manufacture. Well when I went to check out I discovered they were fresh from the manufacture in sometime before 1995. The sale clerk said he couldn't legally sell me the pacifiers because they contained minute traces of lead. But he could give them to me. I'll have you know that I didn't even think about it for a second...I know a good deal when I hear one, especially a free one but I told the clerk to toss them. Yeah! How great a great-aunt am I? Hm? I'm not as cheap as I make myself out to be.

In other news: Don't you love it when someone at your workplace tells you to do something and you do it only to find out it was wrong but it turns out only you are wrong not the person who told you to do it that way? And of course that person won't own up to it. Grrrrr.... I truly believe that even if I'm right; I'm still wrong. But then I will find out I was, indeed, right but it will never be said ..."Yeah, you were right. We should have listened to you more closely; may be we could have learned something from you if only we had taken the time to listen. You're not as dumb as you look. Good job! We'll do better to get you more involved and get your opinion because you've proven that you can make a contribution." Yeah! (Hey, it's my blog, I can dream.)(And I'm not complaining...not really because I know I am blessed to have a job. Mostly I work with great people but they are people so liable to faults such as myself. So really, it's all good.)

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