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Monday, January 31, 2011

This is going to be fun....

I find myself mildly giddy at the prospect of a snow storm. Of course I'm not in an area where enough is enough. This is not salt on a open wound. This is November's first snow fall that just so happens to be about to fall in early February. They say 3/4ths of the nation will be or is getting hit with a winter system of some kind. Oklahoma has been spared a lot this winter. We've been lucky.

A couple weeks ago, the rest of the country was getting clobbered and of course the media showed cars sliding all over the highway, into each other, out of control. This fueled a little panic in us in Ok when we had a bit of ice that lead to some shut downs and slow starts. But this was nothing compared to what, from all accounts, is going to happen tonight and into tomorrow. My office has already said that if the OKC public schools are closed, so are we. This is a first. I am grateful.

Stay tuned.

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