The Move....

I have decided to continue by blog at a new location. Please adjust your bookmarks. The new location is:

Monday, January 03, 2011


Aw...hate to complain but today was not good. head was hurting so much; so very much I wanted to slip into a coma. I called the doctor but couldn't get in until tomorrow morning. I'm happy to report, although, that it's gone! The pain as lifted and I am constantly thanking God for that. Really, I thought death would be an upgrade.

I feel so good right now, I should go to work right now. It's almost 8pm so that's not going to happen but I feel good enough to do it. I will be putting in a lot of late hours this week for sure. I say this assuming the pain will NOT return.

By the way, St Louis lost last night. I tell you, I'm the kiss of death. If you want your team to win, pay me to root for the other team. You have a winning season.

So, this constitutes a blog entry for today. Later gator.

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