The Move....

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Friday, January 14, 2011


My blogger friend Jessica recently did a post on her fears and it got me thinking about mine. "Fears!" Is it a Beatles song? Fears are all I have to take your love away? Is that how it goes? I'm pretty sure I'm not remembering it right.

Anyway here are my biggest fears:
  • Being like my mom; hunched over with a bone breakage problem or going blind.
  • That I'll be trapped somewhere, say an elevator, and have to use the rest room. I mean, can you imagine?
  • That people will make their mind up about me without my help. Or it will be totally based on a misunderstanding or they will think I'm serious when I'm not.
  • I really don't fear getting into a car accident but I do fear that if I do, it will be my fault...or it won't be my fault but I'll still get blamed for it.
  • Getting mugged in the WalMart parking lot but being stupid and not handing over my purse but fighting with the perb. I have a lot of pent up anger and I'm really waiting for an opportunity to release it. If someone wants to mug me, I'm afraid I might give them a fight that I will probably lose.
  • Spiders
  • Flying insects (larger than flies)
  • Birds
  • Bats
  • Creepy crawly things
  • I'll accidentally use the wrong spelling of a word on a company email (example - their instead of they're) and the recipient will think I'm illiterate when the reality is, I make that kind of error once in every 1000 emails.
  • Making stupid mistakes at work because I was given inaccurate information.

I think that's about it.

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