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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Best card

I got a card from Mary Jo that has such a wonderful verse on it I want to share it here. It is written by Catherine Slater.

We want to believe
the world is understandable.
That life is fair,
That things make sense.
We want to believe
that if we're careful enough,
work hard enough,
try hard enough,
we and those we love
will be safe from anything bad.

It's one of the biggest questions
human wrestle with -
why things sometimes aren't fair.
But even though we don't always have
a neat answer to why things happen,
we do have each other...
and we have our faith.

Just a simple kind of faith
that somehow, someday,
suffering will end,
good will be rewarded,
love will endure,
pain will be forgotten,
light will scatter darkness,
and our spirits will go on.

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