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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

One week boob free

I need to write. So I have this new keyboard that lets me write fairly fast on my IPad and I really haven't used it. I need to record important things like...

Today I took a crap. It's been over a week so I really believe this is a good thing. Surgery really screws you up. So does morphine and Percoset because they hinder the flow of number two on the intestinal dial. Yeah, so glad I just shared this.

I really want these drains out. (Pictured pinned to the edge of my shirt in the mirror.) I so hope Dr Hemric takes them out tomorrow. I'm down to my last two Percoset. I can't have Dr Hemric's office call in the prescription because it's a controlled substance. I have to physically go to his office; get a written prescription and physically bring it to CVS for it to be filled. In this day and age of electronic everything, I'm surprised by this stone-aged way of doing it. I suppose the extra work of getting it is supposed to discourage me from getting addicted. I have no other choice but wait until tomorrow.

I have an idea for a story to write but I'm not sure if I can really make it into a story. It's about a woman who turns her back on her friend who has breast cancer. It's purely fiction because friends don't do that. Friends are with you every step of the way. Friends don't block you on Facebook either. I can understand not wanting to be someones friend on Facebook but to actually block you; to add her name to the list of people you don't want to know anything about even though you share other friends..well, it just doesn't seem like a friendly thing to do even in fiction. It seems hurtful and mean, especially if the person is going through a dreadful disease. I will have to think of something more ...something to make the story more plausible. Maybe I should include all the friends I have on FB who have really been there for me. I owe Facebook a lot. Who would have thought that?

Time of my soap. Later gator.

Facebook Response:

· Brian J. Walker Wow. I've been away, and had no idea all of that was going on. Good luck with your recovery!
· Maggie McGill Wallum Those drains are a pain. And, they are gross, but they will be gone soon. And, you'll have more drugs!! Win Win. :)
· Arlene Yeates Cooper You have a gift for writing -
Be it fact or fiction, we will read it !
· Sheri Graves I only wish I could write as half as good as you. I have so much in my head I wish I could write down but when I try the words escape me. Good luck tomorrow. I sure hope those drains come out for you. Honestly Eva, I wonder the same thing about medications... Jordan has been on the same meds since he was 5 years old and I still have to go to the dr every 30 days to get a hand written prescription, take it to the pharmacy and pick it up, all within a 24 hr period. Talk about inconvenient!! lol GOOD LUCK !!!
· Eva Mahoney Boobs are so over-rated Eva. Just look at all those tall flat chested girls...what do they call them... Oh, yeah, supermodels. :)
· Gemma Zotara The person who blocked you on FB you DO NOT need...they are not your Friend. You have so many Friends who love you, care about you, pray for you, support you and will be with you through your recovery, your ups and downs. Do not focus on on what you no longer have but what you have today and will have in the future. Love you!♥
· Eva Dinkuhn Mahoney Gem...I know this. I just can't believe someone could be so cold-hearted.

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