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Friday, August 12, 2011

My Brother's visit

Aw, I'm sad to know that Jim is leaving tomorrow. It's been so great having him here this week. He's been a super help for me and for Philip.

Besides being there for us while I went through surgery and recovery, he's also a real handy guy to have around the house. While he was here, we had a couple nasty storms come through. On the morning of my surgery, we had no power as we got ready to go to the hospital. The straight line winds knocked down a couple panels in our fence. Jim was able to temporarily fix it until we are able to get it more permanently replaced. On Monday, Jim and I went to Home Depot and got a ceiling fan/light for the kitchen. Jim started the project at 11:30 and had it up and running around 2pm. It's very nice. It doesn't wobble at all. He did such a great job.

Jim's always in a great mood. Even when it's 100 degrees outside. He went to Home Depot and got two misters to cool us off while I BBQed Chivetta Chicken on Sunday. They worked out great, spraying out a cool fine mist. I don't have to ever worry about entertaining Jim while he's visiting. He's so self-sufficient. He's either on the computer, on the phone, out back misting or going for a walk. He walks a lot...even when it's over 100 degrees out.

He's a great brother! Always has been!

1 comment:

JKD1958 said...

I love my baby sister.