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Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Facebook Support

I often link my blog posts on my Facebook page and my wonderful FB friends usually end up commenting on the post there on Facebook rather than here on my blog. Because this blog is a more permanent record of my journey to recovering, I have decided to copy and paste some of the wonderful comments I have received on FB along with a commentary on my wonderful friends.

In response to my post on going without boobs....
  • Holly Hecker The older I get, the more I realize the power of gravity. It seems to me that becoming an old lady with firm and perky breasts (which, trust me, is not even close to what happens in nature) may not only NOT be worth the cost in surgeries, pain and $$$, but is a look far more strange than a flat chest on a woman. Remember, there are plenty of women around who were born that way and who still seem to get their fair share of love and happiness in life. Eva, your terrific personality, your humor, your brain, your kindness, your imagination and creativity - they ALL trump a couple of pounds of fatty tissue (or silicone packs). Everything that makes you YOU is still going to be there after surgery!! (I have known Holly for over 20 years. We met when she was an associate at Jaeckle Fleischmann. She was really in my corner back then, always encouraging my writing. I still have the book she gave me: If You Want to Write by Brenda Ueland. I always remember her birthday because all great people were born on the 5th of the month. 20 some years later, she's still in my corner. She doesn't know this but she inspired me to go back to school, to continue in my pursuit to get my BA no matter how long it took. It took me 29 years. I wasn't quite as ambitious as she was though, since she got her JD before turning 50 but still.)
In response to my post on June 29th:
  • Sheri Graves God Bless you my dear, sweet friend. (Sheri and I met a few years ago at C L Frates. We become instant friends for some reason; it was just effortless. She took my place when I left there to work at HPI.)
  • Eva Mahoney E-hugs Eva! xoxox (Eva Mahoney and I become friends on Facebook. Duh...yeah, we started our own club...guess what we call it.)
  • Maggie McGill Wallum It's not easy killing cancer. But, you are strong; stronger than you ever thought you could be. Yes? (Maggie and I went to high school together and also to the same college for a while. She's been one of my biggest supporters and I thank her very much.)

In response to my post on Karma:

  • Lori Nelson Quinn Your a dear sweet thoughtful person and I also DON'T believe in so called Karma cause some of the worse ppl in the world have horseshoes up their arses!! (I've known Lori since we were 3 years old. We were in the same class all though school. We had some fun times over the years.)
In response to my post on freaking out over my surgery:
  • Arlene Yeates Cooper Just remember - it's just one more step back to normalcy- your humorous old self! (Arlene and I went to school together. We got to know each other better though via FB. She's also one of my biggest supporters! She gets my humor....always a plus.)
  • Chic Ciccarella Bazydlo You'll be cool, we'll all be here with positive thoughts and your nightmare will be closer to an end. (I kind of knew Chic when we were young. She was this hippie free spirit back then and I found out via FB she still is!)
  • Rosalie Atti-Holguin You will be ok, look how far you have gone so far. This is just a final step in your recovery. Praying for you everyday! Keep us all posted. (Rosalie and I have known each other since grammar school. We have reconnected, too, via FB. She is always checking on me which I really appreciate.)
  • Linda Just Prayers are being said for you. (Linda is my cousin-in-law but I have heard more from her now that we are FB friends. She's been very supportive.)
  • Margaret Dick While I agree that "freaking out" is a very natural response, please take comfort in knowing that -- even without having registered at a church -- you are much loved by our creator and have the prayers and support of countless loving friends. I feel quite confident that your surgery will be successful so -- say a prayer of thanksgiving, take a few deep breaths, a few bites of your favorite comfort food, and RELAX. (I have known Mickie for over 20 years. She was a legal assistant while I was librarian at Jaeckle. She's a super lady who always appreciated my humor. She's my voice of reason, for sure. She came and paid her respects for both my mom and dad when they passed away despite the long drive from Buffalo to Angola.)
  • Arthur R Millace Jr - Eva, Best of luck to you, You have to do it, So be strong and no everything is going to be alright. God Bless !! I have a couple upcoming surgerys myself, So I feel you..I Pray yours is a success, Remember there is people out here that need you . (Art sat next to me in Mr Rose's 9th grade art class. I think he was cheating off me the entire year, but I'm not sure. The simple act of him sitting next to me spoke volumes to this geeky teenager.)
  • Christine Ferguson Yawney - Eva, while I am not a member of a particular church, I do believe and I know the big guy will look out for are approaching the finish line in this race! keep smiling, tell a joke when you can, and remember even though we are not there WITH you, we are here FOR you! BTW, if you weren't freaking out a little bit, you wouldn't be normal... yes, Eva, you too are normal!!! one of the most down-to-earth, normal people I know!!! (I worked with Chris at Jaeckle as well. She kept my secrets secret. She's been very supportive.)
  • Jeff Morris -Eva,you are in my thoughts and prayers,and when this is all over,you will be of great help to others who will be going through this also.Your friendship has been a wonderful blessing to me. Thank YOU!!! (Jeff is my brother's ex-brother-in-law...but most importantly he's been a friend for a long time. He's been challenged by life's curves but he's figuring it out. God bless ya, Jeff.)
  • Gemma Zotara - Freaking out is normal, but you will be fine. You are always in my thoughts and prayers and from all your Friends posts, you are also in theirs. You have a great support system so you can't lose. Love you! (Aw...Gemma. She was the beautiful receptionist at Jaeckle. Her beauty shines in the inside too. I once wrote a poem for her called the Gemma Dilemma. But there's no dilemma when it comes to calling her my friend.) :)
I have so many more supporters; I have really been blessed. More will be included as I make my way through this disease.

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