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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Making Progress - I'm a survivor!

I was worried about the compression; did I have enough or could I loosen it a bit so I wasn't so uncomfortable? I wasn't sure. Last night, my neighbor Jamie who is a nurse, came over and took a look at my wrapping and said I could loosen it a bit. She made me feel so much better; just knowing I was doing it right. She said, based on the lack of spotting on the bandage (not the compression one) that it looked good. She also said that if my fluids are getting less than I might be able to get rid of these darn drains. I think most of my pain is coming from the drains..where they are inserted in my body.

I am sure that the worse is over. As I suspected, as well as all my friends, I'm going to be a breast cancer survivor! I knew this all along but now I can really wrap my fuzzy brain around it.

I see my surgeon on Thursday. I would imagine he'd have the results of my lymph nodes...if there was any cancer in them. I had the BRCA testing done and it was negative. This is very good news. It's all good news.

Facebook Response:
· Mary Jo Borzelleri Miller Praise the Lord, Eva!
  • Sheri Graves You ARE a survivor! You are an inspiration to women every where. You are MY HERO! =D
  • Maggie McGill Wallum You ARE kickin' some cancer ASS!
  • Suzanne Leone Hummel Very Inspired...I wish I was half the woman you are ♥
  • Arlene Yeates Cooper Love seeing you say those words- you are more than a Survivor !
  • JoAnn DeFilippo Zoda glad you are doing better! You certainly are an inspiration!
  • Holly Hecker I love the way Maggie put it, Eva - you sure are kickin' some cancer ass!! You go, girl! (And feel better and better every day.)
  • Gemma Zotara Just read your happy to hear the good truly are amazing and we all knew you would beat it, and now you can believe it too! So very happy for you!♥:)
  • Janice Moore It was great talking to you yesterday - you sound just like your old self! Your are truly a "survivor" in every way and things will just keep getting better from now on!

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