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Sunday, November 25, 2007

25 Things I want my 15 year old niece to know

1. It's okay to be different; to not follow the pack.
2. To be different however, should never hurt. IE body piercing, tatoos are not "different" - just a painful way to express yourself differently. Trust me on this.
3. You are a beautiful person, inside and out.
4. Remember you get more bees with honey.
5. You will not win friends or influence people by rubbing their noses in their mistakes.
6. It's okay to be wrong.
7. If you have wronged someone, even unintentionally, you need to make it right. An apology will usually suffice.
8. If someone makes fun of you because they have deened your outfit unfashionable, it's okay to refer to yourself as a "trail blazer;" someone who has started a new trend.
9. Be patient with older folks, those in their 40s, who may not understand technology as good as you. IE Ipods, downloads, MP3's and texting.
10. You will have plenty of time to have a relationship with a boy. Don't push it. It will happen.
11. Finish what you start.
12. Concentrate on school.
13. Don't seek out a boy/man just so you can have someone take care of you. You are strong enough to take care of yourself. Once you have established yourself, then you can give a boy/man the pleasure of taking care of you.
14. Yes, love is important in a relationship but don't allow a boy/man into your life who wants you to take care of them. You each need to take care of yourself.
15. People can change, but only if they want to.
16. It's okay to change your mind about your career path.
17. It's a lot easier to understand a situation if you step back for a moment.
18. Everything will work out.
19. You will outgrow a lot of your fears.
20. There are shades of gray.
21. Your family loves you very much.
22. Bacon and toast is a lousy breakfast. (Fat and what will turn into sugar)
23. It's okay to know a little about a lot but it's imporant to know a lot about a little too.
24. You have a good head on your shoulders.
25. I trust you completely.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a wonderful post full of tidbits of wisdom, lovingly written for someone you love.
You are a wise woman, my friend Eva.