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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What if...

You never read in the paper where a psychic won the lottery? If I had that kind of power, my life would be so different. I wouldn't be swimming in money but I wouldn't have to watch each penny either. I know, they say money won't buy happiness and I get that but I would be so much more happyierif I didn't have to worry about having enough money for gas to get to work.

Once I went to lunch w/ my nephew Jon at his elementary school. To tell you how much I have to think about spending, I was actually looking for the price menu so I would know if I could afford a junior cheeseburger. Of course there wasn't an prices listed so I had to just wing it, get it and fork over the cash. I had the money with me, I just wanted to be sure I was getting my money's worth.

Yes, if I could predict the numbers in the lottery, I'd win me some, at least once. I could do so much with that money....and not just for me...for those I care about and for those I don't know too. I'd love to stand outside the dollar store and hand out dollars to all the kids who were going into the store with their parents. I think that would be fun. I'd drive through McDonalds and give the cashier a $1000 and tell her to give free meals to everyone in line until the money ran out. I'd love to see their expression when they find out they don't have to pay for their happy meal. I'd give to every animal shelter in Oklahoma and Western NY. I'd buy doggy beds in bulk and bring them to each shelter. It would be so much fun.

Yeah, money won't buy happiness but I'd love to have the chance to learn that lesson. Here's to dreaming.

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