The Move....

I have decided to continue by blog at a new location. Please adjust your bookmarks. The new location is:

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Let the fun begin...

It's National Blogging Month and I'm ready. You are going to find out so much about me this month. Maybe more than you'd want. Maybe I'll have to make stuff up, just to have something to say. We'll see. Maybe I'll just share some funny stories. Yeah...that's the ticket. More soon.


Ari_1965 said...

I've just discovered that one can e-mail an entry and it will be posted to the blog. I've tried it twice and it's worked both times.


Way cool. How'd you do it?

Ari_1965 said...

Under Settings, E-mail, there's an e-mail address line. It's in the format of:

Check to see what yours is.

There's a check box for Post e-mails immediately to blog or Save as drafts. Obviously, you want them to post immediately. Hit save.

When you send your e-mail, the subject line of the e-mail becomes the title of your post, whatever you type in the e-mail becomes the body of the post. I attached a photo and it was posted, too.

I saved the address in my e-mail address book just as if it's someone's e-mail address. It came in handy on November 1, when wouldn't let me log in to my blog for whatever reason. Not a great way to start off the Nablopomo challenge! But I just e-mailed a message and it was posted. Kind of nifty.

Note: The end of my blog's e-mail address is, not I don't know why. I don't know if it's true for all. But it confused me at first because the address of my blog ends in

I also tried texting from my cell phone to the blog's e-mail address, and that worked, too. However, you don't get a title for your post, just that day's date.