The Move....

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Monday, November 19, 2007


From time to time, I think of the King clan; a kid-infested family that moved into my neighborhood when I was 12. I never because great friends with any of the kids; not really. There was a time when I was "friendly, but as fair weather friends go, the King girls were as bad as any of them.

Yet, still I think of them. I wonder how they are doing. We are all grown up, some of us are dead, some long married and some divorced. I'm not sure what has happened to any of them, not really despite the fact that my brother's family is still lives in the same small town. My neice is going to school with one of the King girl's daughter. I have sent notes to that mother but I have no way of knowing if it was ever received. Recently I sent a letter to the oldest, just asking her how eveyone was doing...nothing overly personally...yet...I hear nothing back.

Okay, I know...I need to move on; just let it go. This time, I think I will. But I have to ask myself, why is this so important to me to reconnect with people who really weren't friends; just people I knew. I asked my sister in law this. She just feels she's okay knowing who she knows and that her circle of friends is complete. She wouldn't ever turn her back to them if she saw them, but she has no need to "seek" out a status on their lives. I guess I'm too enquiring...and no, that's NOT nosy. There is a difference.

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