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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Intuition or Lack there of

I have no intuition. None. Zero. Zip. Null. Okay..maybe a little. I did feel that the Buffalo Bills would win today but that and two other games (the same ones other's picked in my Pickem League)I got right. None of my upsets happened. Well, it upsets me but I guess that doesn't count. I can't "feel" lottery numbers either. I get an idea in my head; think it's a winner..really "feel" it but no. Nothing. If you want a team to win, you might want to let me know so I can root for the other team; you're assured a win. I could have won big on the NCAA tourney last spring but of course, the team I rooted for who was so close lost in the final minute. I'm the kiss of death.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I know there are worse things in life. Just felt like ranting.

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