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Friday, November 09, 2007


Remember on Melrose Place when one character slept with another character's spouse and three weeks later the injured party invited the skank to her party? It was like they never really hated each other; just got injured and moved past the anger. This is, no doubt, a bit extreme but that's TV.

In reality, people have disagreements and they can, at times, get heated but the mature, big person(s) let it go and forgive and forget. The childish one's hold a little disagreement tight to their chest, let it steep in their psycie to develop hate or distain. Yes, we can't like everyone we meet and we may disagree with those we tolerate. We tolerate them because it makes for better living conditions.

I feel bad for those who can't get over a simple disagreement and allow it to end a relationship. That's just sad.


JTF said...

Hi..I understand what you mean. I especially dislike it when people you thought were your friends shut you out for no good reason. Life's too short.


Thanks JTF...I appreciate your response. Life is short. I try to not let petty disagreements get in the way of being friendly but I takes all kinds.