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Thursday, November 08, 2007


Do people who have their various body parts pierced long for attention? Is that the reason why people get tattoos? A woman I see often does. She believes that people borne male who dress in woman's apparell and want to be women, are asking for attention. She thinks the two are the same; that is nose-pierced-tattoed ladan-colorful-mohawked-wearing people are callng for the same attention as transsexual individuals. And each are open for ridicule. I say there are differences in the two. The former brought on their differences themselves. Transsexuals are repairing something that just happened to them. They didn't ask to be born the wrong sex. I doubt that anyone has said, "I wish I was born with a ring in my nose."

1 comment:

JTF said...

I don't know anything about transsexuals but I do know, people can be so cruel to those they refuse to even try to understand. Glad you're speaking out about this.