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Monday, November 26, 2007

The coke habit update

I have been pretty good in my quest to be coke-free. I have not been perfect. I have had awful headaches lately and I am sure it is because of the lack of caffeine. At the airport to Buffalo, and back I had to have a coke. My head was throbbing. Aside from these few times, I have been basically coke-free. I have not had any since Friday. I think I've done quite well.

I'm learning to love Rootbeer. You know, although it is dark like Coke, it does not have any phospheric acid. It has no caffeine either. Iced Tea is also free of Phospheric acid unless you buy it already bottled.

That's all for tonight.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So proud of you - I know how hard it is to break the coke habit. Had to do it myself several years ago.
Your post gave me the idea to do a new entry on my body/spirit remix site called The Dope on Coke.
Now, I just have to follow through and write it.