The Move....

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Thursday, November 29, 2007


Part of the company I work for, including myself, have adopted a family to get for them Christmas presents. It's a nice charity and I will give but I have some concerns. This particular family is a mother with 8 kids. I guess one of them is a neice but still she has 8 kids. I don't know the whole situation with this family but they seem like a well deserving family.

The lady who organized this, had a pick of another family of five. This family listed their gifts they would like. This included particular movies, games for an Xbox thingy and Intendo. Now, I know these are nice gifts but my thinking is, if you can afford these games...whatever it is you need to play them on...then you're not that needy. I know, they may have gotten them last year but ...I just feel better giving to a family who is looking for clothes and food.

I have a hard time with the Toys for Tots campaign. I know it's well meaning but you can live a perfectly happy life without toys. I can't get myself to buy a kid a toy unless it's educational or requires a little imagination. I can buy books, and art supplies but not Intendo. That's just me.

I'm glad we are doing this project. I asked if I can help deliver the items and I am going to do it. I think just seeing their faces will be very rewarding. I look forward to it.

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